What Matters to God? Understanding His Priorities in Your Life
Regan Yoakam |
February 17, 2025
In a world filled with distractions and noise, understanding what truly matters to God can be a challenge. In Matt's message this weekend he explored the essence of what God values and how we can align our lives with those priorities.
Key Takeaways
- Understanding what matters to God is crucial for living a meaningful life.
- Surrendering to God’s love and lordship is essential.
- Loving others, especially the marginalized, is a reflection of our faith.
- Actions rooted in genuine love and compassion are what God desires.
What Matters to God?
When we think about what matters to God, it’s easy to get lost in the details. Many of us might assume that God is primarily concerned with our moral behavior or religious practices. However, the truth is much deeper.
The Importance of Understanding God’s Priorities
When starting a new job, it’s common advice to find out what matters to your boss and focus on that. The same principle applies to our relationship with God. If we truly want to live according to His will, we need to understand His priorities.
- What do people see when they look at our lives?
- What would they say matters to us?
These questions challenge us to reflect on our actions and motivations. Are we genuinely living out what we claim to believe?
The Challenge of Surrender
Fully surrendering is what truly matters to God—This means acknowledging our brokenness and need for His love. It’s about saying, “I can’t do this on my own.”
- Surrender to His Love: Recognize that we need His grace.
- Love Others Radically: This is not just a suggestion; it’s a command.
The Great Commandment and the Great Commission
Jesus simplifies everything into two main commands:
- Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
These commands are not just for our benefit; they are the foundation of our faith. When we truly understand God’s love for us, it compels us to love others.
What Does God Want From Us?
In Isaiah 58, God challenges His people to look beyond mere rituals and to focus on what truly matters:
- Loosen the bonds of wickedness.
- Set the oppressed free.
- Share your bread with the hungry.
- Welcome the homeless into your home.
These actions reflect a heart that is aligned with God’s priorities.
The Uncomfortable Truth
It’s easy to ignore these teachings, especially when they challenge our comfort zones. However, if we truly love Jesus, we must also love those who are marginalized.
- Jesus’ teachings are clear: We cannot separate our faith from our actions.
- Ignoring the needs of others is not an option.
Here I Am
As we reflect on what matters to God, let’s commit to being people who say, “Here I am, Lord.” This means being open to His leading and willing to step out of our comfort zones.
- Start small: You don’t have to do everything, but you can do something.
- Ask God to break your heart for what breaks His.
In the end, living a life that matters to God is about love—love for Him and love for others. Let’s strive to embody that love in our daily lives.
Reflection Questions:
- When people look at your life, what do you think they would say matters most to you? Does this align with what God values?
- What distractions or priorities in your life might be keeping you from fully surrendering to God?
- How does understanding God’s priorities challenge the way you live out your faith?
- Identify one way you can tangibly serve someone in need this week. It could be offering encouragement, providing a meal, or supporting a local outreach.
- Each morning, take a moment to say, “Here I am, Lord. Use me today.” Be open to where He leads you, even if it’s outside your comfort zone.