Night of Worship

Night of Worship

You’re invited to a Night of Worship at Vineyard Cincinnati Church on Saturday, September 9th from 6:30-8:00pm.

Together, we'll sing, pray, and worship God for all of the great things He's doing in our church and city.

Worship will be followed by a light snack and time to connect with friends, both new and old. Families are welcome to attend together!

Usted está invitado a una Noche de Adoración en Vineyard Cincinnati Church el sábado 9 de septiembre de 6:30 p. m. a 8:00 p. m.

Juntos, cantaremos, oraremos y adoraremos a Dios por todas las grandes cosas que está haciendo en nuestra iglesia y ciudad.

A la adoración le seguirá un refrigerio ligero y tiempo para conectarse con amigos, tanto nuevos como antiguos. ¡Las familias son bienvenidas a asistir juntas!

Date(s) for Night of Worship

Registration for event starting March 12 has closed.