Looking for Grades K-5 Vineyard Kids Move Up Info? LEARN MORE HEREIf you have a student entering grades 6-12, don't miss Move-Up Sunday! The Student Union will celebrate with Kona Ice, crazy outdoor games, hype worship songs, and more during the 11:30 service.
[6th, 7th, 8th grade]
6th-8th graders will attend VS Middle School Service - Sundays 11:30a in the Student Union Middle School Auditorium.
If you have a student entering 6th grade in the fall, bring them to the Student Union on June 4. We'll welcome them, help them get checked in, and connect them with other 6th graders and their leaders!
9th-12th graders will attend VS High School Service - Sundays 11:30a in the Student Union High School Auditorium.
High School Page
Contact Rhyan Daniel (513) 479-0428