
55+"A Crash Course on Apologetics" Tuesday Morning Bible Study

A Crash Course on Apologetics By Bobby Conway


Looking for more confidence when sharing your Christian Faith? Look no further! The One Minute Apologist has an Apologetic Crash Course designed to give you more confidence to share your faith.

These simple, easy to understand, and effective classes will teach you to:

  • Demonstrate the reality of truth
  • Exemplify how the opposite of true is false
  • Frame arguments that reveal God's existence
  • Elucidate how God's existence makes miracles possible
  • Nail down claims that demonstrate the reliability of the New Testament
  • Scriptures confirm Christ's Deity
  • Explain how Christ's empty tomb confirms Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection

Please contact Danielle Gordon at danielle.gordon@vineyardcincinnati.com if you have any questions. 

Date(s) for 55+"A Crash Course on Apologetics" Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Registration for event starting August 29 has closed.

  • Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025 / 10:00AM Tri-County (Main Building)