YA Women's Small Group

YA Women's Small Group

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

YA women, join us for community, growth, and fun!

Fill out this link to join.

Who: Women ages 18-35

What: Each week we will either have a family dinner, equipping, outreach or small groups. For our small groups this summer we will be reading Warrior of Eden by Beth Guckenburger. On the small group weeks we will have a guest speaker come and share her story with us. 

Get the book here: Warrior of Eden

Where: We will primarily meet at The Student Union on VCC's campus. We may meet at other locations for family dinners and outreach etc. 

When: Every Tuesday evening from 7pm-9pm

Once you sign up you will be added to a group me with all of the other women 

Questions: Text Josie Fickes (937)-529-9996