Financial Future Estate Planning Seminar (In-Person)

Financial Future Estate Planning Seminar (In-Person)

We can’t predict the future, but we can plan for it.

Our partner Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) takes the mystery out of estate planning, guiding you and your family through a straightforward process that helps you design a legacy plan that blesses your family, and honors God.

Vineyard Cincinnati will be hosting an in-person and a virtual seminar for Vineyard attendees to help you learn about the advantages of a Living Trust.  Information provided will help you learn how to pass on your assets, save your beneficiary's time and money, avoid the high cost of probate, and provide you with peace of mind.

After attending this seminar, Vineyard attendees will have the opportunity to meet one on one with a qualified estate consultant to prepare your estate plan and living trust at no out-of-pocket cost.

This is a no-obligation seminar for those who call Vineyard Cincinnati their home church (serve & give here) hosted by our long-term partner organization Financial Planning Ministry.

Register Here

Who would benefit from this seminar?

  • Single adults
  • Single parent or multiple parent households
  • Retirees 

Topics Addressed:

  • Why have a Will?
  • What are the advantages of a Living Trust?
  • Who should consider having a Living Trust?
  • How you can gain assurance that, upon your death, your guardianship wishes for minor children and distribution of your valuables are fulfilled as you desire?
  • How you can avoid the expensive and time consuming process of probate.
  • How you can bless charities of your choice while not decreasing gifts to heirs.

We look forward to seeing you there!

About Financial Planning Ministry - FPM, a not-for-profit established in 1982, has been successful in removing the doubt and confusion surrounding estate planning and charitable donations.

Date(s) for Financial Future Estate Planning Seminar (In-Person)

Registration for event starting October 12 has closed.