Elders have the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the church in the fulfillment of its mission and ensuring solid biblical stewardship of its finances.
Matt Massey, Lead Pastor
Matt Massey is the senior pastor of Vineyard Cincinnati Church. He graduated from DePauw University in 1988 with an undergraduate degree in Communications then attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. After Seminary, Matt served on staff at Vineyard Cincinnati Church for four years as a teaching pastor. In 2002, Vineyard Cincinnati sent him out to plant Northstar Community Church in Loveland, OH, where he faithfully led for 18 years. In 2020 he returned to join the Vineyard staff as Senior Pastor.
JR Cifani, Executive Pastor

JR Cifani is the executive pastor of Vineyard Cincinnati Church. He graduated from Mount Union College in 1988 with an undergraduate degree in Biology. After a career running a small business, he came on staff to start a stewardship ministry within the Vineyard in 2012, and partnered with Jim Cochran to start a business ministry for the church in 2013. He has been executive pastor since January 2021.
Mike Allen

Mike's personal faith journey started in sixth grade under the influence of faithful Jesus' followers. Mike and his wife, Janie moved to Cincinnati and were looking for a church to call home. Upon their first visit to Vineyard Cincinnati, they found themselves fully involved and inspired by VCC's values of generosity and outward-focused living. Twenty-three years later, Mike and Janie continue to be inspired by the mission and are passionate about serving. Mike serves in different areas within his own community and continues to serve in several ministries with this church. His enthusiasm and energy together with his spiritual gifts are a great asset to Vineyard Cincinnati Church.
Anita Ingram
Anita helped develop the Vineyard's Foundation Classes, and often teaches the classes. She also leads a OneLife Ministry small group, which she traveled with to Haiti on a global mission trip in 2018. She is a regular participant in Bible study through the Vineyard Women's Community.
Sue Humphrey

Sue's current board term began in 2020; she previously served on the board from 2008-2015. She and her husband Tom have been attending the Vineyard since 1999, and are the parents of two young adult sons, David and Jason. Sue and Tom served together on the Luke 4 Challenge Leadership Team and as a host home for Vineyard Student HouseGroups. Currently, Sue is serving on the Healing Center's Warehouse Team and Extended Prayer Team. She also serves as an intercessor for the Greater Cincinnati Prayer Canopy and regularly participates in VCC's Women's Community as well. Sue previously worked as a technology manager at P&G and as a statistics instructor at Miami University.
Phil Michael
Phil attended the University of Michigan, where he got involved with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) and spent a year traveling worldwide with the Jesus Film Project, a ministry of Cru that translates the Gospel of Luke into every major language in the world. Over the past 12 years, he has served in a variety of ministry areas including the Worship Team, the Intercessory Prayer Team, OneLife, and the Generosity Advisory Board. Phil is currently the COO of Moorehead Dentistry, a local Kingdom-focused business. He and his wife Cassie have 2 kids ages 7 & 9.
Bill Maxam

Bill Maxam became a believer in while in high school and became involved with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. After graduating from university, he spent the summer in Manila, Philippines leading Bible studies through a local church. After university, he moved to Cincinnati to work for Procter & Gamble. His family was drawn to the Vineyard in 2007 because of the fantastic children and youth programs, and he and his wife Kate volunteer with Vineyard Kids. Through the years he has also been involved in the OneLife ministry and currently leads a small group Bible study.
Jeff Petach

Jeff works at Kinetic Vision leading the Modeling + Simulation group. He and his wife Kate started attending the Vineyard regularly around 2006 during the Luke 4 Challenge vision campaign. Since then, he has been involved in Young Adults, OneLife, Iron On Iron, and the worship team; you've likely seen him playing guitar during a recent weekend service. Jeff and Kate live in Madeira and have three boys ages 4 – 9.
Alfred (Al) Tyree Jr.

Al's journey with God became personal at the age of 10. In 2016, Al sensed God prompting him to step out of the familiar to “...see what the Kingdom of God will look like in heaven.” That journey brought him to Vineyard Cincinnati Church and in 2017, Al made the decision to become a Shareholder and invest his resources into Vineyard's mission. He felt a special connection with the Vineyard family, and the emphasis on generosity, serving, and sharing God's Word. Al's passion for God combined with over 35 years of experience in the Information Technology marketplace has enabled him to serve in several ministries here at VCC. Al and his wife Judith's commitment to demonstrate God's Love is captured in "Love Well, Do Good, and Give It All Away."