Hi, welcome to the Vineyard. My name's Monica Roberts and I'm the executive director at the healing center, a ministry of vineyard Cincinnati church, and we're so glad that you're joining us today, especially during this difficult season. We are so grateful for your continued faithful giving that helps support ministries like the healing center. As we come into a time of giving, I want to share with you a few words from second Corinthians chapter eight. Paul is talking to the believers in Corinth and he's encouraging them to remain faithful in their giving to the needy in Judea and he says this, the best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart has been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up. So go to it once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can't.
And I love this church and one of the things that I love most about it is we are a people that are always looking for ways to help out. And one of the ways that you can help out right now is to continue to help financially if you are able. And so even in this season there are a couple of ways that you can continue to give. The first is if you haven't done so already, we would love for you to go online at vineyard, cincinnati.com/give and just automate your giving there. All the instructions are right online for you or you can text to give. Just text 513- 5 oh, I better give you the right number, (513) 657-4222 and texture amount. Or you can always just put a check in the mail and send it to the address on your screen.
I love how faithful God is in continuing to use our giving to be a blessing. And so right now I'm just going to pray that God will bless us and bless this offering gone. We know that you promise to supply all of our needs according to your riches and your goodness. And so God, we just rest in that today. We thank you for the way that you are providing for us and God, we thank you for the way that you provide through us. God, thank you that your church can be a light even in the season. And so we ask that you bless our offerings and use it for ministry for your glory. In Jesus name, amen.
And this season of digital ministry vineyard students is taking everything online and virtual house groups for high school students have started on Wednesday nights and stay tuned for what's happening with Elevate monthly gatherings, Echo for middle school. We'll also look and feel much differently, but the commitment that we have to all of our students to love them where they are to help them grow in their relationship, Jesus has remained unchanged as far as we know right now. SOS merge is still on track to take place in June. Register now at vineyardcincinnati.com/SOSmerge for an incredible week of growing, serving and connecting. Hey, parents of kids two years to sixth grade. Your children can also stay engaged with vineyard kids because an online experience has been designed specifically for them. That will be fun and help them grow in the Lord. Visit our new kids page on the website and stay current on any information or development.
So good to be together. Glad that you're here. Even if it is a little bit, uh, you know, weird last weekend when I was speaking, I spoke the whole time and there's an empty room and I'm imagining all of the places that all of you sit in your normal places. I can see all of you. But then again, we're also gathering together with thousands and thousands of other folks. Uh, as we found last weekend when there was, now over 12,000 people who viewed the service. So we just want to say from wherever you are, I have friends in Wyoming and California and South Carolina and are really around the world that are joining us. We want to say welcome. We're so glad that you're here. I want to encourage you, if you're wanting to stay up to date, we're trying to do our best online. Go to vineyard, cincinnati.com and you'll find videos and updates from, from all of us about what is happening with the church and how we're planning on moving forward. This is changing day to day, so we're online all the time. So check that out. Also, I want to encourage you before I get into the message,
share, share, share.
I have had so many opportunities and I'm sure you have had to where you just, it is so easy. I'm not really an evangelist, like, you know, come to your door and we can't go door to door right now. I'm so glad and, and so, but I can just give people the website. And so all of my friends and all of the folks that I know, I'm just texting them and giving them the website and saying, Hey, will you join us at church this weekend? This is if you're intimidated by face to face evangelism. This is a dream scenario for us. So I want to encourage you, just share, share and share. I had an experience today where, uh, I saw a FedEx truck that had gone, uh, off the road into the mud and had gotten stuck in one eye. This was yesterday and when I rode by on my motorcycle, uh, the, the gentleman, the FedEx driver had his face in his hand.
I turned around, I come back, I pull up behind him, I get out. I go over to the leaning side of the truck, maybe not the smartest thing to do. And I said, brother, how are you doing? He said, rough day. I said, listen, I'm a pastor over here. Can I, I just saw you. Can I just say a prayer with you? He said, absolutely. And so from a safe distance, uh, I prayed and just that he would be encouraged and blessed and the tow truck would come quickly and that his boss would grace and mercy on
him. And, and then when I got done with the prayer, he got up from his seat and walked over and shook my hand. It wasn't until a couple of minutes later that I was like, no, I'm just saying as you realize, people are more open to us reaching out to them, praying for them, and telling them about church more than ever before. We're used to in the church having encouraging messages and, and the Lord is with us and we don't have fear, but we have faith. But I'm going to tell you that the vast majority of the people around us in our neighborhoods are not at all used to that. So we can continue to be light and life to the folks that are around us, even if it's just sharing on social media. So I encourage you with that also, I'm thinking just before I get into the message, I was thinking of all the folks in our church who are 65 years and over and, in this season can be especially scary.
And so if you're not in a small group, if you're not volunteering here at the church, you might not have received a phone call yet. And if you're lonely and if you feel like trapped in your house, you're scared and you're just lonely. Here's my email, Rob King at vineyard, cincinnati.com. If you're lonely, uh, just shoot me an email and what I'll either call you or I'll have one of our pastors who are now working remotely. I'll have one of them call you, we'll call you, we'll pray with you, encourage you. We want to hear how you're doing. So it's robKing@vineyardcincinnati.com. And we encourage you to do that. One last thing. The healing center is still in operation. They made a pivot and they took all of their stuff outside and we, we really reduced to very basic services, but we had over 400 families that we've served so far and all of them received, you know, stuff that we're giving them food and things that they need.
And then also each of them received toilet paper, not just one roll, two rolls of toilet paper. And that's because vineyard Cincinnati continues to be generous. So thank you for your continued support, your continued giving to the ministry here. We really appreciate that. Here's what I want to talk to you about today. When I am shaken, when I am shaking, Psalm 62, one and two says this, for David is writing this for God alone, God alone, my soul waits in silence from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my defense, and my strong tower. I will not be shaken or disheartened. Would you bow your heads with me as we get ready to share the message. Father, we thank you that we can be together even if it's remotely your spirit. Father is with us, your spirit is in us and so in the bond of the unity of love, of the Holy spirit, we are together in this and we thank you for that. Father, I pray that you'd help me. Lord, I just humbly ask that you'd help me to share your words, that there would be a source of encouragement and that they would be a source of where we needed. Maybe conviction. Father, we want to grow into your likeness. We want to be more like you, so the things that you want to speak to us, you speak to us and we'll respond. Yes, from a grateful heart, we depend on you and we thank you father, in Jesus name. Amen.
Have you ever been shaken? Have you ever gone through something in life that really shakes you to the core? If you're a certain age, probably it's inevitable. You've gone through something. Has there been some health crisis you've went through that it just wants to shake you from the beginning? You hear the diagnosis or if you've, I'll tell you what, if you've gone through a divorce, you know what this is like shaken everything in your life. It's like the before and after. If you were a kid and your parents were divorced, there's this before and after effect. There's before they were divorced and then there's after and everything in the world looks different. It looks tainted. If you suffered with depression, if you've been diagnosed with something, if you've gone through really difficult times in a relationship, if you've lost a job, there are things that you can go through that just absolutely want to shake you and there's like this before life happens and then then the death of a loved one and everything after that can be colored different.
The world. It's the same world, but to you when you're, when you go through something that difficult, everything looks different. Everything changes. We can be shaken. The question is what do you, what do you do when you're shaking, when something around you happens that wants to taint everything else that happens? Uh, I think of a, an experience that we had as a family. I shared this a while back. I decided when I was growing up, a blue collar family and we went on vacations every now and then. Not every year. We never went to Colorado and you know, skied or anything like that. Uh, but we would go on vacation. It was more like six flags, if you're familiar, or my wife's family would go to Indiana beach. You say, I don't think there's a beach in Indiana. And, and that gives you a little bit of a clue as to the caliber of vacation I'm talking about. So I decided, man, I decided a couple of years ago, we're going to save up money. I'm going to be a good steward, and we're going to go on a great vacation, we're going to get on a plane, five people in a family, and we're going to have this awesome vacation. And, uh, so we, we went to the Dominican Republic. I love the Dominican Republic and the people there, but I'm going to tell you, we had the world's worst experience on this vacation. My wife got sick. I can't tell you all the details, but we up having to travel
to a hospital in the Dominican Republic, which was nothing like any hospital you've ever been in in these United States of America. And we're spoiled. And once you get off that resort, things change. And we were, we had to go to the hospital and then we had to get up the next morning and she, I mean, she really was bad off. I mean it, it was for her, her health was so bad. She was in a wheelchair. When we finally got out of the hospital, we went to the airport, we rushed to the airport that morning and, and through a taxi and all this stuff, and I won't even tell you the hospital, but they, they just, the first thing they did was ask me for $2,500 how bad is it doc? And so the vacation that was already, I had saved up for there. Just, you know, I heard my dad's voice in my head.
This is just so typical. We rushed, we finally get to the airport only to find out that the travel agent that I had spent this money to get had not told us that we were checking out the next day. We had to literally go back to the resort and spend the night with my wife, like touch and go, finally leave the next morning wheeling her, you know, in this wheelchair and the flight and you can imagine all that. And now when I'm telling you, when our family says, you remember that time when we tried to have the best vacation ever and and honest, honest to goodness it took her, it took Stephanie a couple of months to really recover and recoup.
And still to this day, if there's an extra hot day and you say, Hey, do you want to do this or you want to do that, there can be a moment's pause. Why? Because we all went through an experience. We were shaken. In that moment. You find out who you're really trusting. You find out what you're really thinking about life and where your foundation is. When you're shaken, you find out, do I have a solid foundation or not? Here's what happens. See when we're shaken in life. Number one, we see what really matters in life. All of our lives right now have been simplified. Some of us are. I'll say, some of you are stuck in your home with your family. It just gets really simple when things are shaken, the things that don't matter fall to the side when things are shaking, only the things that really matter, the things that you're thinking about. This is why so many people in our community right now are considering a relationship with God. I really believe this because when times are tough or weird or odd or hard or scary, people who don't have a relationship with God start to look up. What an opportunity for the church to step in. Those of us who have hope and trust in him. Revelation chapter three verse two says this, wake up and strengthen and reaffirm what remains of your faithful commitment to me.
I think anytime when we have the thing in our life that shakes us, it's a great time to just wake up and see what really remains after the shaking and then whatever remains, strengthen that, where is my relationship with the Lord? Where is my relationship with my family? Where are the things in my life that matter the most? Because
so many times it's easy. You could just keep going through life. I mean breakneck speed and just stay busy as ever. Never think about the condition of your soul, your relationship with God or others. But we don't have that opportunity. Now. I'm sure there are people who are just getting in their car and driving around just to get out of the house. You know, for us, I don't know if you know this, but I'm kind of a little bit of an extrovert at times and so this is like a challenging time for us. The introverts are like, woo, we're excited. But uh, it's challenging. It strips away the things that are not important. Here's the other thing that happens when we're shaking, we see the truth about ourselves. We see the truth about ourselves and I'm going to tell you this is one of the ways the Lord works with us.
It's because every now and then the Lord will just put a mirror up in front of you and say, this is what you're really like. This is hard. This is a hard word, but I'm going to tell you that in times that I've gone through things that have shaken me to the core, the Lord puts a mirror right in front of my face and he says, Rob, I want you to know how far you've come in me, but I want you to know he's still got some distance to go. When I was riding in a taxi in the Dominican Republic, my wife was laid down with her head on my lap and my kids were back at the resort and you're riding to a destination you don't know about and you're not really sure about the surroundings and nobody speaks your language and they don't even try, and then the taxi pulls into the gas station. You're like, what? Taxi goes to a gas station while you're,
I think I'm paying for him to fill this tank up and that's where you find, I remember thinking, Lord, I'm scared and I'm shaking right now and here I think, Oh, I'm a person who has great faith. I've been serving the Lord. No. When you're shaking, you find out what is really going on inside of you. And so even in this season, I'm going to talk business leaders, business owners, folks like me, we have responsibility for staff. You find out if your
trust is in the Lord really in the Lord or not because the truth is we're all tempted to have our trust in other things. We're tempted to place our trust even just a little bit in the economy, even just a little bit in our home, even just a little bit in our account, even just a little bit in something that that's not quite the way the Lord is the Lord on the throne or not. When we go through times where we're shaking, he, he, we look at ourselves. We learned some, we learned some things about who we are in the Lord. So I encourage you, let him turn the mirror on you and say, yes, Lord, that's me. I need more faith. See, when we're going through times where we're shaking what we need, we have this need for inner strength. That's what we need more than anything else. You
can pray all day long, Lord, reduce the stress in my life. My experience is he won't reduce the stress. He'll increase the strength and he has the ability to do that. No matter what we're going through, he can give us more strength. And this is what he wants to do. I'm going to, I'm going to go through one Bible story. And um, before I do that, let me read this from Luke. Luke chapter 21. Listen to this. This is a tough scripture. Listen to this. Here's what it says, but be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down and depressed with the giddiness of debauchery and the nausea of self-indulgence and the worldly worries of life. And then that day when Jesus returns, we will not, well, will not come on you suddenly like a trap for. It will come upon all those who live on the face of all the earth, but keep alert at all times.
Be attentive and ready. Praying that you may have the strength and ability, strength and ability to be found worthy and to escape all these things that are going to take place and to stand in the presence of the son of man at his coming. This is a great warning for us just to be ready that you're not surprised when the Lord comes back that we're not caught up in the giddiness. I love that phrase, the giddiness of debauchery, and you're not caught up in that, but you're also not caught up in it and we can be caught up so easily in what the world finds attractive and put our hope and trust in things that don't really have anything to do with the Lord. Let me, let me give you one more Bible story that illustrates this point perfectly. When we're shaken, I like the disciples.
I love the stories of Jesus because of the disciples are a perfect example of us and every time they went through a hard time, uh, they didn't respond. Great. I'm just going to read this to you first and then we'll go through it. Mark chapter four it says, so they took Jesus in the boat and they started out leaving the crowds behind, although other boats followed, but soon a fierce storm storm came up and high waves were breaking into the boat and they began to fill with water. You picture in this scene, Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion and the disciples woke him up, shouting, teacher, don't you care that we're going to drown? When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, silence be still. Suddenly the wind stopped and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith in me? The disciples were absolutely terrified. Who is this man? They asked each other, even the wind and waves obey him. This is a familiar story where Jesus sends them across and the storm comes up and, and then, and then they get freaked out and he's Jesus in perfect Jesus fashion is there sleeping in the back of the boat and they're all still freaked out unaware that the son of God is in their boat.
I mean, encourage you with this. The one who calls you will carry you. The one who calls you will carry you. What do I mean by that? I mean that Jesus is the one who sent them across after a day of ministry. He said, let's go to the other side. Mark chapter four as evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, let's cross to the other side of the Lake. When the son of God says, let's cross over. You know what that means? You're gonna cross over. Even if he wouldn't have stood up in that situation and calm that storm, they still would've made it across because Jesus was in the boat. He's on a mission, he's not done and he, his mission isn't gonna end out on the sea of Galilee he's going to go all the way across. A matter of fact, I can't help but seeing in this how Jesus would have undoubtedly been thinking about the red sea crossing
when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt and bondage, they came to the red sea. You know the story and when they came to the red sea, they couldn't get across. And so God divided in part through Moses, the red sea, Moses, our old Testament symbol of Jesus, our type of Jesus led the people across and the people went across and when they went across every sin and every enemy that was following them was swallowed up in the very place where they went. When across they, they made it across. They made it all the way across. The blood of Jesus. The red sea covering our sin and us crossing over. All of this imagery would have undoubtedly been in Jesus, his mind, and I just want to remind you, we are going to make it
Jesus said, we're going to go across, we're going to go across. I know there's a lot of people who are predicting when this particular season is going to be over. I've given that up. I let the end of this story be one that Jesus,
I want to know how I'm doing right now today because it's not how we finished. We can, we can adjust back to normal in a heartbeat, but the question is what are we going to do right now? Right now I want to be strong. I want to be filled with the Holy spirit filled with faith. That's what we want to do now. It's how you are in the middle, not how you are in the end. Let God write the end of the story and he said, let's go across, so they were going to make it across. I think it's fun to listen to this. Think of this story where Jesus is actually in the boat. You've got all these people freaking out and over the years I've told this story and I almost make fun of the disciples, but they were in a situation where they understood the boat, they understood the water, they knew that they were taking on water. They knew that they were going to die. They were shaken.
We can be shaken too, and if they can be shaken and have Jesus in the boat, I mean, should we laugh at ourselves too and say, gosh, I'm so, you know, I'm so easily shaken. You know, in the, in the middle of stuff, it just, for a moment you get your bearing. You say, Lord, help me to be strong, but the truth is we're human. We're frail, we have weaknesses, and it's good for us to think about this in in times where especially so many people are shaken. I want to encourage you, the one who called you also knows all of your fears, the one who called you. He knows all of your fears. Jesus knew the disciples. He knows us and he knows what's going on in the depths of your heart. In this moment, Mark chapter four it goes on. It says, Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat and his head was on a cushion and the disciples woke him up, shouting, teacher, don't you care that we're going to drown?
What a question for the son of God. Don't you care? He came all the way from heaven to earth to save us and they're asking him. He is. He's wiped out from ministry. I mean, he's healed the sick and raise the dead and fed multitudes and he's just tired. And then he wakes up in the middle of a storm with his disciples after he's done all these miracles and they're looking at him and saying, don't you care? Ah, how would that feel if you were the, if you are the Messiah, how would you feel in that moment? I deeply care for you. The one who has called you cares deeply for you. He cares for us. He cares for us. You don't have to question in this season, Lord, don't you see and don't you care? You can know that he cares for you. He cares for us. In this season. He cares for us. The story goes on Mark chapter four when Jesus woke up, he sternly rebuked the wind and said to the waves, silence, be still. That's a good word for us right now. Silence be still, be still be still. Suddenly the wind stopped and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith in me?
Then the disciples were absolutely terrified. I mean, if they were afraid before, but now they're terrified. So human. Who is this man? They asked each other. Even the wind and waves obey him.
Isn't it
interesting that in this story, Jesus, when he did calm them, calm them the storm, he didn't look at them and say, man, that was a close call. I'm so glad you guys let me know. Thank you for waking me up. I mean, we could have all been goners in the middle of that. He didn't say that you could. You could say right now, Rob, I have practical things that are happening. I have employees that are not going to work. I have 401k that I'm, I'm invested in the market. You don't know it's practical. You don't want to divide your life up into spiritual and practical. We are not just physical people. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are eternal beings and so it's not just a matter of what is practical and what is what is here on the earth and what we can rationalize, but our whole life is spiritual and I'm telling you, our response
to this is not just a spiritual response. It is a, it encompasses all of who we are, how we respond to every situation. I will not be shaken. My hope Lord is in you. I don't know what the end of the story is, but I know the author of the story and I know the author of my life and the author of my salvation and he is with me. He's never going to leave me and forsake me and you're going to be with me. The best thing about my life can never be taken away. You will never be separated from the love of God. The best thing about your life, you'll never, you'll never lose. You can never lose the greatest thing about you. The greatest thing about you is that you know Christ and that will never, nothing could height or depth or sin or hell or a demon or or anything separate you from the love of Christ. Nothing, nothing.
No pandemic can ever take away the love that Jesus has for us. So I want to encourage you, the one who called you, will calm the storm inside you. I suppose all of us right now are at different levels of, you know, the fear factor or, or not. But no matter where you're at on the spectrum of concern or fear or worry or doubt, God can calm you on the inside, which is what you need or than anything else. Strength on the inside. Hope on the inside and, and, and power on the inside. And actually this is what the first century church was going through. I mean they were going through constantly. Actually after Jesus was crucified and he was buried, the church was scared.
They were locked in a room and they were praying. And they were worried, and this comes out a lot in the book of acts where they were scared and so what they did was they would pray and what they prayed for. Interestingly enough, what usually came was boldness, confidence brought on by the Holy spirit. So there was this confidence that was brought on by the Holy spirit in, in the first century church. And this, I'm saying this is the same thing that we need even right now, that we would call out to God and say, God, would you fill us fresh and new with the power of your Holy spirit, that we would have boldness, listen to how they prayed in acts chapter four it says this, and now all Lord hear their threats. They're talking about all the people who are threatening them and give us your servants. Great boldness, great boldness in preaching your word, stretch out your hand with healing power may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your Holy servant Jesus. And then look what happens when they pray that prayer after this prayer, the meeting place shook. This is the kind of shaking you want to have in your life. The meeting place shook and they were all filled the Holy spirit, and they preach
word of God with boldness. This is the promise that we have.
Matter of fact, it brings to mind when Jesus was baptized, when he was baptized, John baptized him, said, I'm not even worthy to baptize you. Jesus said, it's fitting to fulfill all righteousness. Jesus goes down to the water, he comes up and then the Holy spirit descends on him in the form of a dove. Remember, and this is the promise of the Holy spirit. Jesus was filled with the Holy spirit. And then John actually said this. He said, look, I'm baptizing you with water, but there's one who comes after me that does what? Baptizes in fire and the Holy spirit. So this is the promise that we have with Jesus, that we as believers in Jesus, not just a mental assent, but actually there was, there would be something that would happen between us and the father. By the power of God. We would accept Jesus Christ and be filled with the Holy spirit, power and boldness and actually in script.
Sure it is be being filled, constantly ongoing, filling of the Holy spirit. And how does this happen? This happens when we simply say yes to Jesus and then we say, Lord, would you just fill me with your spirit in every area, my home, my family, my life, my mind, my heart, my business, my future, my plans, all the plans that you're making right now. If you're a business owner and business leader, you want the Holy spirit involved in that because the Holy spirit knows all things and you need strength and confidence and you want to lead well through this time. All those things come by the power of the Holy spirit. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to encourage you, we're going to say a yes prayer, which if you're watching for the first time, at the end of each service, we say a simple prayer.
The Bible says, if you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and you confess that with your mouth, you can be saved. And so we lead in a simple prayer where we say yes to Jesus and then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to pray for all of us that we'd have a fresh infilling of the Holy spirit that would give us power. And when you give us strength that we would really be strengthened on the inside, the Holy Spirit's called the comforter. And for that reason alone, we can ask, Lord, would you just comfort during this time? And, and I just want you to know as your pastor, this is, this is what I'm praying for. Every single one of us, we'd be strengthened. You'd be encouraged, you'd be empowered. And through all of this you'd just draw closer to one another and and closer to the Lord Jesus as well.
I am so looking forward to the time when we get to be together physically. Again, I can't, I cannot describe to you how much I long for that. I'm sure you do too. And it's going to be a great celebration and a great party. But in the meantime, uh, the Holy spirit wants to minister to us even when we're, we're even when we're separated, we're in this together separate. So I'm going to ask those who are here. There's a few, I think it's under 10 are here with me, uh, helping me the band. Would you stand and we're going to say a simple yes prayer. And then I just want to pray for you as we get ready to close. But if you're willing, uh, there in your home, would you bow your heads with me and would you say this prayer? Dear God, I know mankind needs a savior and I know I can't save myself.
Jesus, I believe you're the son of God. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and God raised you from the dead right now I confess you as my Lord and savior as the one who forgives me and restores me. Thank you Jesus. My past is forgiven. I have a relationship with you. I'm a new creation in Christ because I've said yes to you. So father, we do say yes to you right now, today, and we thank you for the work that you're doing in our heart and lives. And God, I want to ask you, if you're willing, they're in your homes and, and the few who are gathered here, would you just put your hands in front of you? There is just as a sign of surrender to the Lord and father, we just ask you now. We've said yes to you.
We believe in you. We thank you, we trust you. But Lord, we as a Lord on behalf of all the business leaders and business owners on behalf of all those who are 65 and above, who may be a really gravely concerned father for those who are lonely, for those a father, all of those who are watching God, we put our hands out as a sign of surrender and we ask you, thank you for the gift of your Holy spirit that you would fill every part of our life with your Holy spirit. We ask you for boldness and strength, clarity and wisdom, grace, peace and comfort for your people. We're trusting you that that's happening even now. We thank you, father. Thank you for your wonderful presence with us. Pray rich, blessing on your people. Father this week that they'd sense the power and presence of your Holy spirit. Great comfort and care. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. God bless you. It's been great being with you. We'll see you again soon.