55+ Community

If you or your spouse are age 55+ you're invited to join us! As our child raising and career demands are winding down, we may be in a unique position where we have more time, flexibility, and resources at our disposal than ever before. We may also encounter some difficult challenges as we maneuver through this life stage.

Team up with others in the 55+ Community and be encouraged to live a life of purpose as we make the most of this season of our lives. Check out our current groups and class offerings below.

Email Danielle Gordon for more information about 55+ groups.

55+ Activities

God's Word offers practical help for all stages of our lives. Together we will discover how He has designed us to live our lives to the fullest! Check out the groups, studies and serving opportunities below.

Morning Bible Study

Virtual Evening Bible Study

Serving Opportunities

  • First Friday: We are always looking for volunteers to serve at our monthly First Friday gathering. Roles include food prep, set up, clean up, table leaders, and more! Please email Al at al.tyree@vineyardcincinnati.com for more info.
  • Facilities: If you enjoy working on small projects and doing repairs, contact Kenny Anton with the Facilities team at anton@vineyardcincinnati.com.

Get Connected!

Are you on Facebook? Join our Vineyard Cincinnati 55+ Facebook Group! Stay up-to-date on what's happening in this group, connect with others, and see photos from events.

Subscribe to our e-newsletter!

55+ Events ➔ (swipe)

Mar 31

Widows' Chat Gathering

Please join us for Community and Connection.


Mar 31

Men's Healthy Sexuality Group

The MHS group is a Christian 12-step group to support men in managing sexual issues that can hinder authenticity and intimacy.


Apr 1

55+"A Crash Course on Apologetics" Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Join us for faith building and community as we gather together for this in-person. This is an open group, so you can jump in any time! We meet in Area 3.5 in the lower level of the church.


Apr 2


Join a conversation around life, faith and meaning. Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs.


Apr 2

Vineyard Men: Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table

Join us in the Community Room on Wednesday Nights!


Apr 4
The 1st Friday of every month at 6:30 PM

55+ April First Friday Event

Join us for a time of fun, fellowship, and food!


Apr 9
The 2nd Wednesday of every month at 2:00 PM

55+ Blanket making group (2nd & 4th Wednesday)


Apr 11
The 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at 6:30 PM

Singles Bible Study

Join other singles (35+) from the Vineyard as we dive into Scripture and grow in community with one another.


Apr 23
The 4th Wednesday of every month at 2:00 PM

55+ Blanket making group (2nd & 4th Wednesday)


Sep 27

Financial Future Estate Planning Seminar (In-Person)

Learn how to pass on your assets, save your beneficiary's time and money, avoid the high cost of probate, and gain peace of mind.


Questions? Contact us!

Al Tyree
Elder & 55+ Community Leader