Stories & Blog

Top 3 Ways To Be Rooted in Christ

Clay Harrington | September 21, 2022

We recently kicked off a new teaching series called “Rooted," that's designed to unpack the importance of establishing deep roots in Christ.

If you missed a Rooted weekend message watch it here.

In a world fraught with conflict, chaos and confusion, we must be firmly rooted in truth lest we, in the words of Jesus, “wither away.” But how does this work? What steps can we take to ensure we are firmly rooted in Jesus and His unshakeable Kingdom?

Here are a few pro tips you can put into practice today:

1. Make a Daily Habit of Getting in the Word.

You probably just cringed at the ‘daily’ word in the above sentence. And if this brings you a bit of anxiety, I encourage you to take a deep breath and suggest you work this into your lifestyle slowly yet intentionally.

Starting out your day with 15 minutes in the word, reading a short devotional, or reading a Psalm are all great ways to ‘prime the pump’ to a daily habit of getting in the word. It’s ok if this doesn't look perfect at first; as long as you take the first step in making a plan (and work to implement the plan), take the time to slowly reflect over the words you read, and allow God to speak to you through those words - you’ll experience those ‘spiritual gains’ in time. Guaranteed!

Make a Daily Habit of Prayer.

Sounds simple right? Unfortunately prayer is a spiritual discipline that seems to grow more elusive in the Church. As most know, there are a plethora of reasons prayer does not get the attention and practice it deserves. And despite the growing trend of a prayer-less culture, we are nonetheless called to be sons and daughters of prayer! Prayer is our birthright and a gift that goes sorely underutilized.

We can reverse this trend a few different ways: pray each time you engage with the word, pray to God throughout your day (as if He’s with you wherever you go); ask Him questions about His thoughts on things you encounter; or simply share your feelings, thoughts and concerns with Him as you go.

Implementing both set and ‘as-you-go’ times to pray will help boost your prayer life as you reap more benefits of a rooted life in Jesus.

Cultivate a Lifestyle of Worship.

Worship can oftentimes be relegated to something we do on Sunday morning when the band starts to play, when we jam out to our favorite ‘worship playlist’, or when we lift our voices and raise our hands in song. While this is amazing (please keep worshiping in these ways as it’s always incredibly edifying) worship does not have to end when the music stops!

Worship is more about the way we give God glory in our every day-to-day routines. It’s glorifying God in the way we speak, what media we consume, how we treat others… how we represent His name in every setting. That's true Romans 12:1 (offering your bodies as a living sacrifice) kind of worship right there.

When we take intentional steps to cultivate a lifestyle of worship in the everyday mundane routines… this will take our root system to a deeper level in Him.

Through the help of Holy Spirit, when we lean into making a daily habit of getting in the Word, Prayer and Worship, there will be no doubt you'll experience deeper roots in Jesus and His unshakeable Kingdom.

When our roots go deep, our tree grows strong! 🌳


Learn more about Rooted Group Here

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