Stories & Blog

Planting Seeds of Truth in Children

Deana Maynus | July 25, 2019

Deana Maynus serves in Vineyard Kids by teaching Bible stories, doing crafts, playing games and praying with 4 year olds.

How did you get started in this serving role?

I first became involved in preschool through my middle school daughter. She wanted to serve with toddlers, so we decided to get involved in Preschool together. We both love the children that come each week, and it's an added bonus to be able to serve side by side. She's a great teammate in our class, because she loves to play kitchen and legos with the preschoolers as much as they do!

What do you like best about serving in this way?

I love building relationships with these little people and their families. I get to share the songs and Bible stories that I love! My very favorite thing about serving in preschool is the phrase repeated to our children each weekend as we teach them Bible lessons.

We remind the children that our story is from the Bible, and the Bible is "God's Word" and that God's Word is "true." The kids all join in the familiar phrases and yell it out with their precious little childlike voices.

Each week, I love thinking about how these seeds of truth are being planted from the start in our children. It's hard to know where life will take each of them, but it's reassuring to know that they are being equipped with such important things even now at such a young age.

Has serving helped you get connected at the Vineyard?

Yes, every time I get involved in a new volunteer role, I get to know new people. What felt like a large church a few years back when we first arrived became intimate quickly and has started to feel like home. As I've served alongside the same group of volunteers every week, I feel like I'm part of the team.

Interested in serving with children? Vineyard Kids has a variety of serving roles! You're invited to attend the Next Gen Volunteer Orientation on Sunday, Aug. 4 at 1:30pm (following the noon service) or email

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