Stories & Blog

"Serving isn’t about me at all; it's about loving God and others"

Sydney Stehm | May 10, 2019

Sydney Stehm is a Vineyard Young Adult who serves as a vocalist on the Echo (Middle School) and Young Adults Worship Teams. 

"I love serving on these worship teams because it's so much more than just playing music! Music is definitely a big part of our teams, but we also spend time learning what the Bible says about worship and how to model worship as a lifestyle. 

I love pouring into the middle and high school students that serve on the Echo Worship Team and watching them grow. The Young Adults worship team gives me the opportunity to worship with my peers, learn, and grow together.

Worship, whether it’s through music or something else, is a great way to express our surrender and obedience to God. 

I love the opportunity to serve others because it helps me remember that my life really isn’t about me at all — it’s about loving God and others!"

Thank you so much for sharing with us, Sydney!

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